P&P Parts & Parts GmbH

Slot nut KM11 55x75x11mm according to DIN 981

Item number PP190010

Referenz: OEM Herstellernummer

EUR 7.99 *
Content 1 piece
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The locknut is a component for axially fixing shaft-hub connections, for example a gear wheel on a shaft.
The locknuts have a comparatively large internal diameter and are screwed onto the shaft in order to exert axial pressure on the hub.
In most cases, however, this pressure is only used to hold the hub in place and not to create a frictional connection. One exception is the preload of roller bearings with shafts on bearings.
The locknut is normally used in combination with a lock washer in accordance with DIN 5406 to prevent unintentional loosening of the nut.

Locknuts are usually manufactured with a fine thread and require a corresponding hook wrench or locknut wrench for tightening and loosening.
Item ID 19546
Content 1 piece
Weight 160 g
Dimensions 75×75×11mm
Manufacturing country Germany
Condition New
Manufacturer P&P Parts & Parts GmbH

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